A Paper Sizes to Pixels Converter

❓ On the web, 1 inch equals 96 pixels. However, if you're working with digital or print designs (e.g., 72 PPI, 300 PPI), you should adjust the PPI value accordingly.

Paper Size


WIDTH in Pixels


HEIGHT in Pixels

What is A Paper Sizes to Px Converter?

A4 is the most recognizable paper size. The ISO 216 International standard encompasses a series of ‘A’ paper dimensions, each with a precise millimeter and inch measurement. So, converting the A paper sizes into pixels is difficult. 

a paper sizes to
User:BromsklossCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This A paper sizes to px converter is a free online specialized tool that helps you convert all A paper sizes into their corresponding pixel dimensions.

How to use A paper sizes to pixels converter?

Here are some easy steps to use this fantastic and instant tool. Follow them and get as many benefits as you can:

Step 1: Set the Pixels Per Inch (PPI) and Dots Per Inch (DPI). The default or standard PPI value is 96PPI, but it may vary with print media or other high-resolution media.

Step 2: Now select the type of paper in the A paper series, such as A4, A5, A6, and many more. 

Step 3: Finally, press the convert button and get the width and height in pixels.

Try another b paper sizes to pixels for free on our website.

A Paper Sizes standard-size

The following are some A paper size conversions from mm to inches. You can also get knowledge by understanding this table:

A Paper Size Millimeters (Width x Height) Inches (Width x Height)
A0841 x 1189 mm33.1 x 46.8 inches
A1594 x 841 mm23.4 x 33.1 inches
A2420 x 594 mm16.5 x 23.4 inches
A3297 x 420 mm11.7 x 16.5 inches
A4210 x 297 mm8.3 x 11.7 inches
A5148 x 210 mm5.8 x 8.3 inches
A6105 x 148 mm4.1 x 5.8 inches
A774 x 105 mm2.9 x 4.1 inches
A852 x 74 mm2 x 2.9 inches
A937 x 52 mm1.5 x 2 inches
A1026 x 37 mm1 x 1.5 inches
A1118 x 26 mm0.7 x 1 inches
A1213 x 18 mm0.5 x 0.7 inches
A139 x 13 mm0.4 x 0.5 inches

A Paper Sizes to PPI (72, 96, 300)

PPI values play an important role in A paper sizes to pixels converter. These are the most frequently used A paper sizes from mm to their respective PPI:

A Paper Size 72 PPI (Width x Height) 96 PPI (Width x Height) 300 PPI (Width x Height)
A0[2384 x 3370 px][3179 x 4494 px][9933 x 14043 px]
A1[1684 x 2384 px][2245 x 3179 px][7016 x 9933 px]
A2[1191 x 1684 px][1587 x 2245 px][4960 x 7016 px]
A3[842 x 1191 px][1123 x 1587 px][3508 x 4960 px]
A4[595 x 842 px][794 x 1123 px][2480 x 3508 px]
A5[420 x 595 px][559 x 794 px][1748 x 2480 px]
A6[298 x 420 px][397 x 559 px][1240 x 1748 px]
A7[210 x 298 px][280 x 397 px][874 x 1240 px]
A8[147 x 210 px][197 x 280 px][614 x 874 px]
A9[105 x 147 px][140 x 197 px][437 x 614 px]
A10[74 x 105 px][98 x 140 px][307 x 437 px]
A11[74 x 74 px][68 x 98 px][213 x 307 px]
A12[37 x 51 px, 74 x 74 px][49 x 68 px, 68 x 98 px][154 x 213 px, 213 x 307 px]
A13[26 x 37 px][34 x 49 px][106 x 154 px]

You can also try our free converter px to em with 100% precision.

Use of A paper size to Px converter

This calculator has enormous demand as paper size is used daily for various purposes. It helps in:

  • Creating Digital Mockups of Print Layouts for Web or Screen Preview
  • Designing Web Pages or Web Components
  • Setting Image Dimensions for Digital Images Intended for A-Series Print Output
  • Visualizing and Planning Content Density for Screen vs. Print Equivalence