C Paper Sizes to Pixels Converter

On the web, 1 inch equals 96 pixels. However, for digital or print designs (e.g., 72 PPI, 300 PPI), you should adjust the PPI value accordingly.

C Paper Size


WIDTH in Pixels


HEIGHT in Pixels

What is C Paper Sizes to Px Converter?

C paper size is also standardized by ISO 216 like A and B paper size. But it is less widely recognized. Moreover, it is famous for the ‘C Envelope Size’ standard. This C paper size to Px converter is a free online tool that helps you to convert the series of C paper into their corresponding pixels. 

C Paper Sizes to Pixels
User:BromsklossCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

How to Use C paper sizes to pixels converter?

Here are some easy steps to use this fantastic and instant tool. Follow them and get as many benefits as you can:

Step 1: Set the Pixels Per Inch (PPI) and Dots Per Inch (DPI). The default or standard PPI value is 96PPI, but it may vary with print media or other high-resolution media.

Step 2: Now select the type of paper in the B paper series, such as C4, C5, C6, and many more. 

Step 3: Finally, press the convert button and get the width and height in pixels.

Must try US Paper Sizes to Pixels on pixelsconverters.com.

C Paper Sizes standard-size

The following are some C paper size conversions from mm to inches. You can also get knowledge by understanding this table:

C Paper Size Millimeters (Width x Height) Inches (Width x Height)
C0 917 x 1297 mm 36.1 x 51.1 inches
C1 648 x 917 mm 25.5 x 36.1 inches
C2 458 x 648 mm 18 x 25.5 inches
C3 324 x 458 mm 12.8 x 18 inches
C4 229 x 324 mm 9 x 12.8 inches
C5 162 x 229 mm 6.4 x 9 inches
C6 114 x 162 mm 4.5 x 6.4 inches
C7 81 x 114 mm 3.2 x 4.5 inches
C8 57 x 81 mm 2.2 x 3.2 inches
C9 40 x 57 mm 1.6 x 2.2 inches
C10 28 x 40 mm 1.1 x 1.6 inches

C Paper Sizes to PPI (72, 96, 300)

PPI values play an important role in C paper sizes to pixels converters. These are the most frequently used C paper sizes from mm to their respective PPI:

A Paper Size 72 PPI (Width x Height) 96 PPI (Width x Height) 300 PPI (Width x Height)
C0 2599 x 3677 pixels 3466 x 4902 pixels 10831 x 15319 pixels
C1 1837 x 2599 pixels 2449 x 3466 pixels 7654 x 10831 pixels
C2 1298 x 1837 pixels 1731 x 2449 pixels 5409 x 7654 pixels
C3 918 x 1298 pixels 1225 x 1731 pixels 3827 x 5409 pixels
C4 649 x 918 pixels 866 x 1225 pixels 2705 x 3827 pixels
C5 459 x 649 pixels 612 x 866 pixels 1913 x 2705 pixels
C6 323 x 459 pixels 431 x 612 pixels 1346 x 1913 pixels
C7 230 x 323 pixels 306 x 431 pixels 957 x 1346 pixels
C8 162 x 230 pixels 215 x 306 pixels 673 x 957 pixels
C9 113 x 162 pixels 151 x 215 pixels 472 x 673 pixels
C10 79 x 113 pixels 106 x 151 pixels 331 x 472 pixels

Use of C paper size to Px converter

This calculator has enormous demand as paper size is used daily for various purposes. It helps in:

  • Designing Digital Stationery Mockups and Online Envelope 
  • Developing Envelope Design Templates and Print-Ready Files
  • Integrating Envelope Dimensions into Digital Workflow 
  • Creating Educational Content and Visual Aids for Paper Size Standards