REM to PX Converter
What is the Root em to Pixels converter?
REM stands for “root em,” and Px stands for “pixels.” Rem to Px converter is a free online tool that you can use to convert the root em(Rem) values in pixel sizes(px). Moreover, remember that 1rem is equivalent to the root font size.
How to use Root EM to Pixels calculator?
Here are some steps to convert the REM value into px:
Step 1: Enter the base font size in the mentioned column. The default size is 16px.
Step 2: Input the rem value that you want to convert.
Step 3: Now click the convert button and get your results instantly in rem units.

REM to Pixels Conversion Table
Some frequently used values of Rem are used to convert into px values. So, to save your time, you can directly see that particular value and its equivalent px size in the table below:
REM | PX |
0.25rem | 4px |
0.5rem | 8px |
0.75rem | 12px |
1rem | 16px |
1.25rem | 20px |
1.5rem | 24px |
2rem | 32px |
2.5rem | 40px |
3rem | 48px |
4rem | 64px |
6rem | 96px |
8rem | 128px |
10rem | 160px |
11rem | 176px |
12rem | 192px |
13rem | 208px |
14rem | 224px |
16rem | 256px |
20rem | 320px |
30rem | 480px |
36rem | 576px |
48rem | 768px |
50rem | 800px |
60rem | 960px |
62rem | 992px |
64rem | 1024px |
70rem | 1120px |
75rem | 1200px |
80rem | 1280px |
90rem | 1440px |
100rem | 1600px |
Formula to convert Root em to Pixels
If you want to convert the rem to px size manually, use the formula method to get your results. The formula is:
Px = Rem x root font size
For Examples:
- 12 rem = 216px
- 8 rem = 144px
- 6rem= 108px
- 4 rem= 72px
(let’s say the default font size is 18px)
Do the vice versa and checkout px to rem now.
Few Valuable Examples of REM
Below are some real case scenario examples that you can assume to clarify the REM:
Example 1: Setting Font Sizes for Headings and Paragraphs
Scenario: You want your headings and paragraphs to scale proportionally with the user’s default font size.
:root {
font-size: 16px; /* Base font size – users can change this in their browser settings */
h1 {
font-size: 2rem; /* 32px (2 * 16px) */
h2 {
font-size: 1.5rem; /* 24px (1.5 * 16px) */
p {
font-size: 1rem; /* 16px (1 * 16px) */
Explanation: All font sizes are defined using rem units, which are relative to the root font size. If a user sets their browser’s default font size to 20px, the h1 will become 40px (2 * 20px), the h2 will become 30px, and the paragraph will become 20px. This ensures that the text scales appropriately for readability.
You can also try millimeters to pixels for free on website.
Example 2: Sizing Spacing and Margins
Scenario: You want consistent spacing around elements, and you want that spacing to scale along with the user’s font size.
.container {
padding: 1rem; /* 16px padding */
margin-bottom: 2rem; /* 32px margin */
.item {
margin: 0.5rem; /* 8px margin */
Explanation: By using rem for padding and margins, the spacing around elements will remain proportional to the text size. If the user increases their default font size, the spacing will also increase, maintaining a consistent visual balance.